Stanford Grad Student Council

Stanford Grad Student Council

Influencers:444914- Classification:444983- Followers:017- Release:11 Interactive:- Classification Account:instagram,Normal,nul Moderator:Apply for moderator Update 06-18 17:41
Followers 6
06-18 17:41
The Graduate Student Council is incredibly proud to have helped make this happen. #higheredworksbecausewedo 🎉
The Graduate Student C
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06-18 17:41
We sent out a gradwide email today! Check your email for the links!!
We sent out a gradwide
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06-18 17:41
dont miss our GSC grad night at the pub in half an hour!!! great food, great company, great t-shirts 😎 🍕 🍔
dont miss our GSC grad
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Stanford Grad Student Council Introduction

The GSC represents Stanford graduate student interests in University affairs and advocates on their behalf.
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